1 on 1 Strength & Conditioning
Cancellation Policy
All lessons are to be payed at the time of lesson in cash, check or Venmo (@AnthonyAnzalone2). Checks can be made payable to AA Sports & Fitness LLC. Please note that all packages purchased have an expiration date of 2 months from the time of purchase. Lessons not used will not be carried over past this time. Things come up, we get that. If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please give us a call up to 6 hours prior to your appointment. Thank You! Check us out on Social Media! Facebook: Between The Lines Baseball Training Instagram: betweenthelines_baseball
Contact Details
East End Baseball Academy, Industrial Boulevard, Medford, NY, USA
+ 631-317-4040
55 Robinson Street, Shoreham, NY, USA
+ 631-317-4040